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Pre-owned / Used Rolex Milgauss

In the current era of Rolex models, the Milguass can be seen as one of the most clear cut ‘tool’ watches in the line up. The Milgauss, designed to withstand a million ‘gauss’ carries an important functionality for modern wearers who wish to use mechanical watches in an electronic device free zone, whether that be theatre or aerospace. Aesthetically the mil gauss has received multiple upgrades and design changes along the production history with Rolex, specifically done to attract a wearer that may not need it for its designed purpose. We can all be guilty of buying something that we have no intention of using for its purpose but there is something about the Milgauss that makes it stand alone to all other models. The introduction of a green sapphire crystal heightened that point, a feature you will not find on any other watch in the range of Rolex’s – the polar opposite to say a, date just or day date, designed for classic ownership rather than purpose. A Milgauss owner knows it’s worth and appreciates the history and modern improvements regardless of model ownership.